Since 1994
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Burns Ulcers Habits Phobias Cancer Asthma Stress Memory Smoking Drinking Migraine Addictions Stuttering Self Esteem Pain Control Study Focus Sports Focus Weight Control Sexual problems Sleep Patterns Childhood Trauma Age Regression Past Life Regression Eating Disorders Chronic Disease Symptom Control Manic Depression
The trance is set up via suggestion with regards to relaxation and mental focus. This is the main application of suggestion, and it has little use other than the formation and maintenance of the trance itself. I then have the person formulate safe and appropriate changes to be made to the memories responsible for their issues. After dealing with the memories, we deal with hidden pains, hidden pleasures, thought fragments and dreams associated with those original memories to further heal issues, and stop their reformation. Then, often accelerated physical healing is set up as a further measure. The person is given an opportunity to determine how to make further changes themselves whilst in trance.
I am not willing to go to much further detail due to the risk of untrained practice by yourselves (not that you would of course), as hypnosis IS a dangerous act, and has caused death, both directly, and indirectly. This last point I cannot stress enough. Any hypnotist, whether amateur or professional is in a position of extreme influence that can be either helpful or harmful depending on their intent, experience, and safeguards. I have had to undo problems set up by good intentioned, but poor hypnotists, and occasionally helped those subjected to unethical religious persuasion. I have found this particularly sad as I am a christian, however, my beliefs and values are just that, mine; and are not to be inflicted upon anyone else, particularly those who are subject to my influence.
When dealing with a problem, we deal with the cause of the problem. Hypersensitivity diseases such as arthritis, asthma, hayfever and such have a memory base for the physical reactions, even though few ever have any conscious recollection of any relevant memory. By changing those memories linked to the ailment, the ailment itself is altered. When dealing with things such as eating disorders, a much broader method is required. By dealing with issues of shame, self worth, self image, confidence, and negative voices (yes, those within ourselves), and then also the original memories that set up the ailment, rapid change may come about.
It should be noted that the memories concerned are NOT called into the conscious mind. If you have a rape victim relive a rape, then you have just raped them all over again. What is seen on TV is both unnecessary, and unethical. Memories can be dealt with within the subconscious mind, without me needing detail about those memories. That sort of knowledge is none of my business unless it is freely offered, and I would prefer it to remain mostly private.
Hypnosis should not replace your physician or medical professional. Often they are unaware of the many uses and benefits of hypnosis. Where hypnosis does not provide an outright solution for the individual, it can be used to augment the treatment for the maximum benefit. By blocking pain, turning off nausea, encouraging a healthy appetite, and giving a healing attitude, a patient may recover much faster. Reduction of drugs required for treatment, and the resulting side effects can only be beneficial.
Eating Disorders
The treatment of eating disorders can vary greatly from person to person. The person often feels shame about who they are. It should be noted that a person does NOT have to live with an eating disorder. They can be fully healed.
Treatment will vary greatly from practitioner to practitioner. Mentioned below are the areas they I have found particularly useful.
Areas of attention :-
Mental voices - make positive or remove
Cause and origin - alter or heal memories
Deal with issues as they arise
Self image
Self esteem
Eating habits
Sleeping habits
Self hypnosis and mediation
Please note that eating disorders do not usually have a quick fix, and require longer term work. They can be difficult for everyone involved, including family.
Depression and Bipolar Disorder
The treatment of a Bipolar disorder and Depression is similiar in many respects. Difficulty may be encountered if the person is at a low, simply because there is no motivation to seek treatment. Often, partners will encourage treatment.
General treatment involves :-
Moderate the mood variance
Treat the memory source of the disorder
Set up more appropriate stress management
Self hypnosis skills
Symptom Control
One of the interesting discoveries as noted by James Esdaile (an English doctor in India during the 1800's), was that when Hypnosis (,then mesmerism,) was applied for pain control, it had the effect of diminished bleeding, inflammation and swelling.
This can be applied to infection, swollen and damaged regions, and hypersensitivity diseases such as arthritis, Crohn's, allergies etc..
Migraines may be treated by tracing the cause of the problem, and altering the cause so that the pain is unnecessary.
When applied, the subconscious can also make the necessary changes so that appetite and eating habits are altered to become more appropriate for our lives. This usually occurs in a very natural way to the person concerned, so much so that they often do not notice the change. It is always interesting when others point it out to them.
One of the greatest attributes of hypnosis, is the way our mind can accelerate the healing of our bodies. Sports persons can benefit greatly from the pain control and healing available as part of natural (though often dormant) abilities.
It should be noted that when control of the symptoms is treated correctly, no new expressions of the symptoms will arise as a result. This is because the cause is being directly treated, and the practitioner SHOULD find a safe way to deal with the issue and symptom at a subconscious level. Also, (ideally) safeguards are put into place to prevent damage from arising from behaviour.
Advanced Symptom Control
One of the lesser known, but extremely useful aspects of hypnosis is the augmentation of high risk treatment to maximise effectiveness, and to minimise negative side effects. A very good example is what can be done for a patient that is receiving chemotherapy. With prior arrangement and practise, a person may :-
Reduce or eliminate headaches
Reduce or eliminate nausea
Reduce or eliminate aches and pains
Maximise blood flow directly to the cancer
Slow down the blood flow throughout the rest of the body to minimise damage to healthy tissue
Assume a healthy and positive attitude
Deal with the cancer directly
Accelerated healing
In the same way, radiation therapy may be assisted by providing many of the previously mentioned applications, and also to provide greater protection and healing to the non-cancerous region.
Past trauma
In dealing with trauma, there are a few key points to be kept in mind.
All information is kept confidential this includes from family and partners unless specifically desired.
It is unnecessary to relive traumatic events, and also unwise.
Trauma can be healed in the subconscious mind first, with no conscious awareness, and then either kept private from the conscious mind or made available to the conscious mind at a safe rate determined by the sub conscious mind itself.
Traumatic memories can be located any where throughout the body, and have adverse physical effects on that organ or location.
Repressed Memories
Movies have often shown patients undergoing hypnosis, and becoming hysterical whilst reliving memories. This is both inadvisable in the method, and unnecessary. No person need become hysterical with the proper use of safeguards, and memories need not be brought into the conscious to be work upon and healing to take place. If a memory is hidden, then the subconscious has hidden it for a reason, and it may be treated within the subconscious mind.
False Memories and Ritual Satanic Abuse
One of the more recent controversies involves memories that later prove to be false that usually relate to sexual abuse. This is usually the result of a therapist with a Freudian conviction that all problems are sexual in origin. The client is badgered into remembering "when they were sexually abused", regardless of whether they were or not.
The mind, when relentlessly pursued over an issue, may manufacture an imaginary event that will appear as real. The new memory is as real as any other memory, and tragic to all those involved.
The therapist responsible has not shown an understanding or respect for the mind of their client, and failed to use safeguards. A client may have only had a simple problem, or suffering from a treatable chemical or mental imbalance, only to now create an all new problem of huge proportions. It is imperative that treatment of a client uses safeguards and is not guided by the therapists own issues.
(No watches are actually used. This is just living up to some expectations)
by Phil Smith
Ba. App. Sci.
Justice of the Peace (Qual.)
Practitioner of Hypnosis and N.L.P.
By Appointment Only
At-Home Service Available
57 Brisbane Rd., Ebbw Vale, Qld. 4304 Australia
(Directly opposite the Freedom Fuels Garage.)
Appointments :- Ph. 0402 42 1997
Serving Ipswich and Bundaberg since 1994
Disclaimer : All of the information contained within this web site is to be considered the opinions of Phil Smith.
I will not be held responsible for misuse or abuse by any other parties, whether they are known or unknown to me. Hypnosis can be misused and abused, so USER BEWARE !