Since 1994

Subliminal References

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    Hayden, B., and Silverstein, R. 1983. The effects of tachistoscopic oedipal stimulation on competitive dart throwing. Psychological Research Bulletin, Lund Univ., 23 (1), 12.

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    Henley, S. 1975. Cross-model effects of subliminal verbal stimuli. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 16 (1), 30-36.

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    Hodorowski, L. Feb. 1986. The symbiotic fantasy as a therapeutic agent: An experimental comparison of the effects of four symbiotic contexts on manifest pathology in differentiated schizophrenics. Dissertation Abstracts International, 46 (8-B), 2810.

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    Holtzman, D. Nov. 1975. Recall and importations on a word test primed by a subliminal stimulus. Dissertation Abstracts International, 36 (5-B), 2473.

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    Zuckerman, S. G. June 1981. An experimental study of under-achievement: The effects of subliminal merging and success-related stimuli on the academic performance of bright under-achieving high school students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 41 (12-B), 4699-4700.

    Zwosta, M. F., and Zenhausern, R. June 1969. Application of signal detection theory to subliminal and supraliminal accessory stimulation. Perceptual and Motor Skills (U. S.), 28 (3), 699-70.

(No watches are actually used. This is just living up to some expectations)

by Phil Smith

Ba. App. Sci.


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