Since 1994
Weight Management
If you have a subconscious reason for excess weight,
Have I written that clearly enough!!
Weight Loss HAS to commence with examining the reasons behind carrying the additional weight, and solving them. Following is part of my booklet about weight loss. Print parts out and take your time to work through it.
Chapter 1 What is your “Why” for weight loss
Chapter 2 The type of desired body – Form your Picture
Chapter 3 What prevents you from this. 9 main reasons.
Chapter 4 Getting your mind together
Chapter 5 Your Food intake
Chapter 6 Your Exercise
Chapter 7 Hypnotic Methodology
Greetings to you that tread down the slope of weight loss. I want you to get your life together. Right now you are probably wondering why this has been included in your purchase of products from the Chemist, and what my angle is. Well, I want you to succeed, and I want you to do so easily.
To succeed easily you need to not only have the right methods and materials, you also need the right frame of mind. That is my area of expertise, and you now have another area of support if you need it.
Yes, I am likely to pick up some business from this, I do not have the funds to just give away my time and products and expect nothing, but I would rather give this information freely than have you waste your money by not thinking about what is needed RIGHT NOW.
Get informed, get your head in the right space, and get actively achieving what you need.
Chapter 1 What is your “Why” for weight loss
Why do you want to lose Weight?
Seriously, why do you want to lose weight? Ask yourself and then listen and feel your feelings. This is meant to motivate you by first feeling like crap. I have no apologies about that. Once you have enough pain about where you currently are, the pain of effort becomes less, and you can take action. Once started, you will enjoy some parts, and other parts will be less painful. As you learn and act, it gets easier and more enjoyable, and you can get addicted to feeling good about yourself and what you are doing.
With this in mind, be brutally honest with yourself, and write your feelings down.
Have you had nasty remarks about your body? Y or N
Do you make nasty remarks about yourself? Y or N
Will you die without achieving your dreams if you don’t? This could be watching your grandkids grow up, or traveling to distant places, or contributing in some way to society. What are your dreams? List them here. Grab extra paper if you need it.
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Are you risking your relationship, unable to get one, or just feel un-sexy to your partner? Y or N
Does thigh chaff and heat rash affect you at any time?
What is your current naked weight first thing after toileting in the morning? Please note that this will be your dehydrated weight, this is just to get some consistency in timing.
What should it be?
What do you realistically feel it should be for your ideal lifestyle?
What are you willing to persistently do for this?
Do you have enough knowledge to achieve this, and where can you get this knowledge?
Do you deserve this? This is important to know, as most people will just say ‘Yes’ without listening to their feelings, and then strike problems. Better to know ahead of time and fix it up beforehand if needed.
Who will support you?
Who will undermine you? This includes food gifts, negative encouragement, and just plain spite at your success.
Put a copy of your reasons in the kitchen, right beside your list of what you want to achieve. Leave out who will undermine you in case they stumble upon it. Sometimes it is better to be discrete.
When there is a WHY, the HOW becomes easier.
It is worth reading Victor Frankel’s, “Mans Search for Meaning” to get more information about getting purpose.
Chapter 2 The type of desired body
– Form your Picture
Do you want to :-
•Be fit
•Be thin
•Be lean
•Be strong
Which one - these are usually different to each other. Don’t use the height weight charts in the Doctors office. These have very little to do with the real world.
Be Fit.
This is about the exercise regime that you decide. Many fit people have their body determined by their means of getting fit. A long distance runner will be very lean, and aerobics orientated person will vary with their body mass index, a distance swimmer will have body fat and even appear chubby despite being super fit. Our body will vary according to the core body temperature that the exercise dictates. The distance swimmer requires the extra insulation and the body will provide that to prevent hypothermia and cramps. A runner will get rid of the insulation to prevent overheating. Don’t use distance swimming and expect to lose those last few pounds. The body and the subconscious mind will win any competition with your conscious decisions – sooner or later.
Be thin.
This is usually the first consideration of people, without determining how much or why. Looking graceful like a model in an evening gown is great, so long as you don’t need to have the muscles to lift around kids or a bale of hay. Mind you, muscles in an evening gown look hot too, but not to everyone, and it may not be your personal choice.
There is fat-thin (where there is very little muscle), and there is lean-thin, and fit-thin. You don’t need exercise for the first one at all, and heaps for the last one. What suits your time and lifestyle? Does it suit? Get a clear picture and correct expectations out of what you will need to do.
Be Lean.
Your body mass index indicates this one. A body-builder with heaps of bulk, and the skinny cut person, with all those between. This is probably the most difficult to achieve, and also carries more risk as there is so little fat to draw upon if illness strikes. It requires good discipline if you are starting out and a certain natural body inclination. You may not know unless you try.
Be Strong
People involved in high strength occupations, which can include heavy trades, some nursing, man-handling (police, prisons etc.), farming and others, need their strength. A 90kg prison guard is normally safer than a 60kg guard, taking into account their body frame. Which one would be used in a tense situation? This is a generalisation, but is mostly the case. This person needs to decide on an appropriate body size for their needs, or change their needs. This counts for a truckie the same as a ballerina.
You don’t have to be in the high strength jobs for this to be important. A mother who is constantly having to pick up a growing child, or has a special needs child who is going to need similar attention past early age, or even caring for a disabled adult may want to get to a healthy weight range, but needs to be practical about the determination of that weight. Strong can be solid or thin while lean, muscle weighs more than fat. You choose to change and determine how you want to be. Get a clear picture from the start.
As I have said, these can mix in together and a person needs to have a realistic view to what they actually want, and how it can be maintained. Otherwise we get disillusioned, feel like we are punishing ourselves, and give up.
Chapter 3 What prevents you from this.
9 main reasons.
There are many reasons to maintain weight. How about we examine some of them.
1.Present or past violence or threat. Domestic violence, workplace or schoolyard bullying, vocations with high violence risks (Bouncers, Carers, Police, Prison Guards) trigger a prehistoric body response with a choice of two main options. Be the TANK or the GREYHOUND. Either stand and take the hit (and usually respond), or quick and nimble to get out of the way. If we cannot run away, then we become the tank. The tank also is less likely to be a target as they have size enough to be menacing, even if they are timid.
2.Food as a comfort. When we are babies and screaming our lungs out, parents check if we are wet or poopy, and if not, then they stick a boob or bottle in our mouths. We are taught that food can soothe. We may continue to use food as a comfort regardless of hunger.
Often this is also taught as a reward system and/or compensation system. Food needs to re-established as nutrition and energy, and the harm from entertainment and comfort realized at a deeper emotional level instead of just the intellectual level.
3.Health protection or buffer zone. When the body has endured a traumatic illness that has threatened our lives and had us waste away, it may use a defensive action of creating a buffer zone or reserve of fat to protect better against sudden or dangerous weight loss.
4.To protect from unwanted attention. Often when we are in a good relationship, and want to keep ourselves from being an unwilling object of desire, or even a deliberate object of desire to the wrong person, we can beef up to be less attractive. The subconscious mind does not always consider the repercussions to our own relationship, or health, or even when to turn off the action of additional weight. Alternately, it can even be a means to reduce the physical aspect of a relationship and/or wind it down preparing for a split.
5.Emotional confusion - emotional emptiness vs physical emptiness. Our feelings are not always clear. Our recognition can be flawed so that the emotional feeling of something is missing is similar to the physical feeling of hunger. We then work with what we know to fill that feeling, and strangely enough, can still want to eat when we are physically full.
By using better communication between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind, a person can be made better aware of any emotional issue so that they are better able to solve it directly, rather than feel an emptiness and be attempting to fill the void with food, drink, cigarettes or any form of drug. To be more self-aware of problems helps to break us free of being trapped in an invisible cage, while challenging our desire to take responsibility for ourselves.
6.Poor eating habits. Carbohydrate based diets and inappropriate volume. The type of food being the major focus. Usually taught from an early age, or we just got very slack. This is often in combination with other issues.
Many patients that I work with present with a carbohydrate addiction. In particular, hot chips are a favorite, with bread products coming a close second. This tends to be more of a symptom than the actual problem, often with a lack of knowledge of the functions of complex carbohydrates. A simple shift of desires towards the healthier food that our bodies were designed to use assists with this, and to look for the main reason of wanting to maintain weight in the first place to eliminate the problem, not just the symptom.
7.Loyalty or expectations. Your dad is big, your mum is big, your uncles are big, your Aunties are big; big big big everywhere in your family. Mind you, the family dinner plates are big, the servings are big, the carbs are big etc. It isn’t genetic, figure it out.
It is time to change your core beliefs about your family, where your subconscious mind can determine which beliefs are suitable, and which are not. Wanting to fit in doesn’t have to mean being big and killing yourself with cholesterol. Being able to say ‘no’ to the big serves when visiting may actually prompt them to think about what they are doing, and save their own lives.
8.Conditioning and core values. Eat everything on your plate or you won’t grow big and strong. Eat up or you will get no dessert. There are children starving in Ethopia that would love what you are wasting. You can’t waste food. YOU CAN’T WASTE FOOD! Sound familiar, are you still being the good child and doing what you were taught, even though you are digging your grave with your teeth?
This is obviously very similar to the previous point,
9.Food = Love. How many mothers use food to display their affection for their family. I love you, eat, eat. This also reflects in many cultural settings. While this is quite pleasant, it also becomes harmful.
Case study 1. A Security guard who was very overweight came to me. He often found that he could have a full meal, and then as he was driving around doing his rounds, would smell food from a fast food joint or restaurant, and would immediately desire another meal.
There did not appear to be any problems with confusion between physical emptiness and emotional emptiness. When I checked with the subconscious mind, it had indeed chosen to increase bulk as a means of protection. This had been with a constant gradual increase over a period of twenty years or so, and there was no set weight limit. The subconscious mind was trying to protect him without taking into account the health risks presented by excess weight.
When asked if the subconscious mind felt that it could deal with situations better using its wisdom and experience, and do so better at a more agile and faster weight, it responded ‘yes’. When asked if it was OK to no longer use the weight, but to now focus on a healthy body, it again responded ‘yes’. It was then asked to make the necessary changes to accomplish this, and then further work was done for the normal eating methods to maximize the rate and effectiveness of the weight loss.
These are easily dealt with by direct negotiation with the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is usually trying to do the right thing to protect you, unfortunately, it has often learned the wrong values as a child, or has created a tool of protection which is may have been appropriate at one time, but is now harmful and needs to be turned off.
Chapter 4 Getting your mind together
Decide that changes need to be made.
Get educated about food and your body.
Change your mind and your knowledge,
and ACT.
I advocate the Bodytrim System for the education of what you need to do for stimulating the metabolism and fat burning, and my job is to help get solutions for the mind to make it easy and sustainable.
A correct lifestyle is needed that can be sustained in different life conditions, so that an injury that prevents exercise does not create problems. Food is the key point, not exercise. Exercise is good, but flogging yourself in a gym WILL NOT LAST. The “Biggest Loser” bullshit programs have nothing to do with the average worker raising a family who needs to lose weight. It only encourages people to not try. Do you want weight loss, fitness, muscle bulk or a combination. You have to know before you venture into the weight loss products, or you will cause problems for yourself and be disappointed.
Clarity of your desired outcome - this is essential.
OK, time to use you imagination in an exercise. Get someone you trust to read this section to you if you feel that it would help.
What is your current self image? When you think of a mental picture of who you are, what do you get? If there is nothing, or you have lots of problems with this, it tends to be a symptom of depression and you may need to work with that as well. This is actually treated well via hypnosis, and is done as part of weight loss sessions. Anyhow, back to the image.
Form your image about 5 feet in front of you, full size, 3 dimensional, full colour. Notice what you like about it, and what needs improvement. Let it remain there for now.
Now imagine that the ideal image of you is off in the distance. Again, it is full sized, full colour and 3 dimensional, but too far in the distance for you to see. This one however, is the correct weight for your needs, has achieved the correct weight, and has the lifestyle and attitudes that make that weight a part of life, with no real effort. On the pocket area of their top is a number representing the correct weight the makes this person happy and healthy. They have the mindset of the healthy-bodied person, and the confidence to match. They are comfortable in their ability to handle being noticed, and appreciate their friend’s compliments. They like and respect themselves.
Now, back to the first image.
Imagine saying goodbye to the first image, where you give them a hug or shake their hand farewell. They have served you well, and now they are moving on. They turn, and walk into the distance, and they move away faster than they are walking, disappearing faster and faster into the distance, until they are just a speck that disappears. From that point, another speck appears and is approaching rapidly. This is the second image, the ideal self. It is moving faster than it is walking and rapidly stops about five feet in front of you. They are slim, trim, and happy. They are you. They are at peace with the world and know that your body will soon catch up with the mind. You look at the pocket area and read the number of kilograms that is written there. It may or may not be what you thought it would be. Notice the look in their eyes of confidence. Imagine how they feel. Lock in that feeling.
Now. Blank that out for a moment, imagine the old self (1st image) walking away, and repeat it going away to that speck, and disappearing, with the new self appearing and sliding into position even faster. Make improvements if needed. Acknowledge them, and feel good.
Repeat the last paragraph even faster.
Again, super fast.
OK, that is called a swish pattern in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is to help you get your mind and image in the right shape to achieve what you are after. Use it as needed.
Chapter 5 Your Food intake
Weight Loss Products:-
Your weight loss products are to provide a means of reducing your intake whilst still providing for your nutritional needs. These are meant to give you an advantage in reducing your calorific intake, and is meant to be temporary, and certainly not as a permanent method. An exit plan for the products is required to make your lifestyle appropriate for your desired weight, using ordinary food. If you return to your original eating style, then you obviously return to your original weight.
It is worth remembering that digestion is an energetic function of the body (aka thermic effect), and using food that requires little digestion should be only used as a convenience. You are shortchanging yourself of the energy expenditure, and have to adjust your calorie intake to less again. Natural foods are best, powders and shakes are convenient, particularly for at work.
Often contain essential amino acids and nutrients.
Faster absorption (important only for athletes)
Don’t normally require refrigeration
Can help maintain regular meals in difficult conditions (e.g. remote worksite)
Can become dull very quickly
Very little energy required in digestion. Very little thermic effect.
May contain sugar or artificial sweeteners
Key questions:
•Why were you eating that way to begin with?
•Did you eat when not hungry?
•Did you finish a plate when already full?
•Have you binge eaten in the past (particularly recently)?
•Do you eat more at emotional times?
•Do you eat for reward of pleasure?
•Do you encourage others to eat whether they are hungry or not, and reward it? (Come’on kids, finish you mains and you can have dessert!)
Does any of this ring a bell! It is time to have a good hard look and decide how we want to be physically, emotionally, mentally and habitually.
Warning bells
Sometimes, you will hit a point where obsessive behaviour kicks in.
For example:
•Binge eat when you achieve a certain weight
•Binge eat when you have been let down or dumped, or just depressed
•Eat large amounts at social gatherings
•Eat heaps when it is provided for free
•Upscale the volume when it is cheap to do so
OK, one at a time.
Binge eat when you achieve a certain weight
When you are quite happily losing weight, and you get to a certain point and find that you just have to eat a whole chicken, or pizza, or whole tub of ice cream; then you have a problem. Sometimes people start beating themselves up about having no willpower, or others will tell them much the same. Yet it makes no difference. Part of you is saying one thing, and another part feels almost like it is in a panic and has to eat.
This indicative of a subconscious defence mechanism. A protective measure that was put in place at some point in time to help protect you. See reason 1 in chapter 3. This may be the subconscious mind trying to protect you, regardless of whether you still need it or not. If you are at risk from violence or bullying, it may be unsafe to reduce your weight, and yet there is a tipping point of risk from heart disease, diabetes and stroke where the risk outweighs the defensive benefits.
The initial problem may not still exist, but the subconscious mind still has the protection in place. It may be keeping it in place if the risk is likely to resurface, such as seeing an ex-partner, or going back to a workplace where bullying is present.
In this event, it is important to realize why it is used, and if it is still necessary.
Where possible, fix the situation, where it cannot be fixed, either find a better coping mechanism, or accept that more weight may be necessary, but negotiate with the subconscious mind as to how much.
Binge eat when you have been let down or dumped, or just depressed.
Most of us know, or have done the comfort eating when we have been dumped. Usually muttering – what the F#@k, who cares anyway.
This is a mixture of comfort eating (reason 2 chapter 3), and emotional protection (reason 4 chapter 3). This drops our self-esteem even lower, and makes us more unapproachable. It becomes a catch 22 if you re not careful, and we end up having to make a big decision one day to get out there and live again.
OK, when dumped or depressed, we can use different approaches. We have to mourn our loss, but if needed, we can turn it to our advantage. Negotiate with the subconscious mind that if it does want to have a different behavior with eating, then to eat less and lose weight. A loss of appetite (while still eating what the body requires) as a reaction, or simply to focus on the body for health and fitness. Reform the self image by choice. This is particularly important point, as the cornerstone of depression is the loss of self image, particularly when that self-image involved being the partner of someone else.
Most problems can be turned into some form of advantage. We just need to be aware of it, or have a good friend MAKE us aware.
Eat large amounts at social gatherings
Food is an important component for social gatherings, and always has been. However, we are not in times where we gather to consume the wildebeest before it spoils, eating as much as we can as it may be a long time before we get more protein as hunter-gatherers.
Times have changed folks. Now we eat like crazy because we can, and we are not having the lean times to off-set things. We even can get reputations as big eaters, and have that as part of our identity and want to live up to it.
Time to be the thinking animal, not just the animal. What is the priority at the gatherings. It should be to enjoy the company, not to stuff your face. Stop and think why you are there. Become sparing with what eat, and focus upon the people. Sometimes people use eating o fill the gaps in conversation, or to look like they are doing something instead of being a Nigel no-friends. Stop and think dammit. Maybe it is time to work on your social skills. Not your chewing skills. Same goes for the alcohol.
Eat heaps when it is provided for free
You cheap bastard. Just kidding, you may not be cheap.
It is nice to eat something for nothing, but we may tend to eat more than what we would if we were paying for it. Why? We tend to want to get the maximum value for something as it makes us feel good, and feel important, after all, someone must value us if they are willing to pay for us to eat. Workplaces, recruitment, family get-togethers, sales pitches. Stop and think, just like social events. We shouldn’t be there for the food, and what we use should compliment of bodies, not damage them. Slow down, focus on the social interaction. There is no free lunch.
Upscale the volume when it is cheap to do so
Recent studies about super-sizing have shown that we feel more important and superior when we get much more for little difference. In reality, this only means that the original price was excessive, and they have only increased the volume of the cheap crap anyway. Wake up and smell the trans-fats. It is only to massage our egos. You don’t need it.
Some examples that occur.
Case study 2.
In prison, inmates are not allowed to spar and practice martial arts (for obvious reasons and risks). When many arrive, they are skinny, unfit and often unhealthy as a result from the lifestyle they were using (such as the drug culture). Once they have detoxed, and their health has improved, they get straight into weights training. Most focus upon size and strength, only a few work on speed. This appears due to the fact that the threats surrounding them are based on size and strength, and the pecking order and safety is based on being a poor choice to pick upon. It can even be a good spirited competition. Those that simply are not suited to size and strength will be the workers, clever negotiators, or just very low profile.
Those who have position due to size and strength will lose their position if they lose their physical attributes, and may rely on their mates to maintain respect.
Case study 3.
A housewife who has become a target for abuse goes from 60 kg to over 100 kg. The last time her husband hit her, she flogged him as she now had superior hitting power, and as a result, he no longer physically abuses her. She had done all the diets under the sun, and would end up binge eating when she was getting towards her first target weight. Under trance, when asked why she would binge eat, it let her know that the weight was a protective measure against her husband. (This was when the abuse was revealed to me.) She was asked to take her time and decide over a couple of weeks whether she wanted to be thin, or remain married. She decided that she wanted to stay married. When asked for a suitable defensive weight, the subconscious mind picked a weight value well under her weight at the time, but still hefty. A deal was struck with the subconscious mind to easily lose weight to that point, and not to be trying further until other circumstances changed that would allow safe weight loss. When she saw me some time later, she said, ”You know, I hate him but I love him, so I will stay with him. He has a bad heart so the old prick will probably die soon anyway, and then the weight can just fall off.” Please note – these were her words, not mine. I have not seen her since, but as there was the understanding of the problem, compromise, and final solution, I have no doubt that this may have or will transpire.
Case study 4.
A severe bout with gastrointestinal disease nearly killed a 17 year old. He started at a fit 76kgs, got down to 50kgs, had his whole large bowel removed, and was extremely lucky to survive. He then had complications from the surgery that went on for many years into adulthood. Once he regained some condition, and put weight back on, he overshot the mark and maintained over 95kgs. When trying to lose weight, every time he hit the 92kg mark, he would binge eat, ruining the work. At first he suspected that the trauma to his body stuffed up his metabolism, and found little point in trying.
Whilst using hypnosis for other issues, a question was asked about the weight. It came out that the 92kg mark was the safety margin selected by the subconscious mind in case of getting sick again, which was a real possibility, giving a better chance of survival. This was negotiated to be 82kg, and weight loss came easy. However, he then sustained injuries in a violent altercation in his workplace, where he needed additional strength and weight to deal with the situation, and weight started coming back on.
This was an example where the subconscious mind accepts a negotiated outcome, works towards achieving that outcome, and then changes its mind due to new circumstances. Time to renegotiate.
Chapter 6 Your Exercise
There is some good news, and some bad news. Actually, if you are a woman, it is just bad news, sorry about that. Men can usually change either their exercise or their diet and expect a change. Women usually have to do both.
This exercise doesn’t have to be the full on rubbish that happens on the television and the weight loss competitions. That is unrealistic as you have to maintain the exercise as a lifestyle. Flogging yourself tends to feel like punishment and will be undone as no-one like to be punished (well, with a few exceptions). It needs to be mild, and developing as fitness, health and weight become better. Most importantly, you need to enjoy what you do. It is a great opportunity to try out new activities, and explore old passions. Start with walking, and develop from there. Join a gym to develop the social scene first; and enjoy. Get into dog obedience, get into dancing, get out of the house! There are lots of options, and you don’t have to be focused on the exercise itself. Kids play, and get exercise in the process, how about you, have you got too old and stuffy?
As there are many experts out there on exercise, and I am not one of them, and like being lazy when I am not involved in sports or chores (including work), so you need to speak with those in the know, but be clear on what you want. As in Chapter 2, do you want to be fit, healthy, lean, strong, or a combination. Don’t expect them all unless you are very dedicated, and can devote the necessary time or you will be overwhelmed.
Chapter 7 Hypnotic Methodology
Basic concept:- I work the basic rule that we have deviated from what our bodies were designed for. That 10 000+ years ago, what tasted good, was actually good for you. In the last 200 years in particular, we have substituted the wrong type of sugar (sucrose) for our requirements. Our main simple sugar should be fructose, and to be sparingly. We are not cows or horses that were designed for grass. Sugar cane is part of the grass family, and our pancreas is not suited to this form of sugar. We are killing ourselves with the usage of an inappropriate sugar form in so many items that we eat, and wonder why we end up with diabetes.
Checking of ‘Reasons for Weight’
As discussed above, there can be many different reasons for weight. These may have been set up many years ago, and no request put (the right way) to the subconscious mind to change. Firstly, if the reasons can be known, then the subconscious mind has to decide whether there is still a need for the skill or not. Often, circumstances or other coping skills have changed, and it is OK to turn off the weighty skill. If there is still a need (such as domestic violence) then nothing can be done until the environment is altered by the person. Part of the safeguards is to prevent the person being put at risk, and I cannot, and will not, alter that.
Shift of Desires
Get the recognition of 3 different food types. Firstly, the unhealthy rubbish, anything that comes from the bakery, anything that our ancestors did not know about. I call that the red zone (red = danger/stop). Next is the reasonable convenience foods, like shop bought wraps, salads or those things that we know that we can get on the run, and are reasonably healthy. Lastly is the green zone foods, those things that we have evolved with, the fruits, vegetable, and lean game meats.
Now presenting them as a spectrum of foods, with the red zone down to the left, yellow in the middle, and the green up to the right, I request that the person imagine their desires represented by a indicator needle that moves around according to what they feel like at the time. It moves about depending what we see, what we are thinking about, what we smell etc. Unfortunately, we have let it be in control of us instead of our having control over it. Upon request, the subconscious mind can take the desires and skew them in the direction of the healthy food. This creates a sense of apathy where we just don’t care about the foods in the red zone, and are unlikely to even notice them in the supermarket. Our focus on the good foods is greatly enhanced, with the healthy fast foods still an option.
Shift of Taste Perception
Have you ever seen the stage hypnotists take an audience member who was a good hypnotic subject and have them anticipate the most delicious apple in the world, be given an onion, and bite deeply. They continue to eat with no watering eyes or expected reactions such as you would normally get, until the stage hypnotist uses the cue for them to realise the truth of the situation, and respond accordingly.
It was not a case of fooling the senses. The persons senses are working perfectly, the signals are being sent from the taste-buds as per normal, but the perception within the mind and/or brain is altered where the imagination overrides the reality. Perception is easily manipulated to serve the purposes and suggestions received. Nothing was fooled, it was reinterpreted. This can be used to the benefit of your eating habits.
Pastry to taste like clay, sugar to taste like sand, cooking oil to taste like diesel, take a food that is unhealthy and alter the perception so that it is no longer desired. We don’t miss what we don’t like.
The reciprocal is also true. To perceive the finer points of a salad. To enhance and enjoy the taste, texture, juices and feel of those things that are good for you.
I often call this Tastebuds V2.0. This brings the original purpose of our sense of taste in line with the modern risks that food now represents. No longer does tasting good mean it is healthy like 200 or 10 000 years ago. It is often the opposite due to the sugars, salts, flavor enhancers and what not. Our software has failed to keep up with commercialism. It is time to think about it, and make the necessary adjustments. This is why I like to shift the perception of the taste to serve your body like it was designed to do originally.
Change of Volume Perception
The stomach acts as a gland. As the lining stretches, it releases a hormone into the blood supply, which is detected by the brain which produces the feeling of fullness. This presents a couple of problems. There is a lag time between being full, and the feeling kicking in (5-10 minutes), and so we may continue to eat, further stretching the stomach making it larger over time which then requires a greater volume of food to stretch it. We get a catch 22. This may have been useful when our ancestors had to get in, get a fast meal, stuffing themselves as it may be some time before another opportunity presents itself, and get out before becoming a meal themselves. In this day and age, it is not necessary, and indeed detrimental to our bodies.
Our mind can produce the feeling of fullness upon request. It is quite easy to do hypnotically. I find that the better way is to ask the subconscious mind what it feels is a safe appropriate weight (NOT the ideal chart weight suitable for greyhounds). This does not always agree with what the person consciously thinks.
As the person approaches the amount that the ideal weight self would eat, then the feeling of fullness to kick in. This is done with the subconscious mind determining the correct amount for the type of food consumed. Obviously, this will vary greatly with the knowledge of fats and carbohydrates, and that adjustment to be done according to the knowledge held.
Altering of Self Image
Often, a person has a distorted self-view of themselves, and will live up or down to this image. A person needs to take control of this self image and make their own changes so that it serves a purpose of beneficial change. Once the ideal self is put in place, then to take on the style of thinking consistent with this enduring ideal self. This also involves self-love, which people can have issues as a concept. To define self love compared to narcissism or vanity can take some time, but is necessary. This is also an ideal time to see if a person has negative of martyristic tendencies. If it is the case, then to heal those feelings, and to gain self-worth, and incorporate them into the self image.
A Warning About Mechanical Eating Restraints - Lapbands
I don’t deny the success that some people have had using lapbands, but I find that it a mixed result. Forcing yourself, whether with a wired shut mouth, a tablet of tapeworm eggs, or an inflatable band around the stomach treats the symptoms, not the problem. I have witnessed people whom start with only enough room for small servings of soup, constantly grazing until they gradually work their way to the original size meals. As the lapband restricts the stomach at a certain point, the portion below the band shrinks with disuse, and the receiver portion above the band becomes distended. Shoulder pain after eating, gastric reflux, heartburn, eating baby food or mush, band slippage, scarring on so on. Sounds like the Spanish Inquisition, and is not likely to be on the brochure.
I know many people feel like they have tried everything else first, but have they. I friend saw me once, without clear outcomes, and with limited success. But there was SOME success. It was the starting point for great success, but seemed that he wanted something more concrete, or did not want to be exposed on some level with hypnosis. I would rather work for nothing and help someone’s health that have them disfigure themselves in a restrictive device that has done little. The same eating addiction is there, only now he has to try harder - and does, to distort his stomach. Not good medicine. What happened to education as the first step for emancipation. Freedom though knowledge and action.
An addiction treatment that focuses on symptoms tends to make an addiction jump if it can not overcome a restriction placed upon it. Where an addiction (which is a coping mechanism) finds another form. I have seen this in a clinic where eating disorders, obesity, and chemical addictions were being treated near Currumbin at the Gold Coast. A person could go from bulimic to alcoholic, to marijuana abuse, to gambling and back to bulimic. OK, no treatment is perfect, and many people got great benefits from the place, but the failures were too common and costly. Incidentally, it was interesting that the need for inpatient treatment coincided with the Health Insurers ability to pay. My opinion only, and I am sorry to digress, but these operators are out there. Be warned.
Physical alteration may be necessary, but it should be an absolute last alternative.
Simply put, Change the mind, and the body follows.
Are you after freedom, or forcing changes through punishment.
(No watches are actually used. This is just living up to some expectations)
by Phil Smith
Ba. App. Sci.
Justice of the Peace (Qual.)
Practitioner of Hypnosis and N.L.P.
By Appointment Only
At-Home Service Available
57 Brisbane Rd., Ebbw Vale, Qld. 4304 Australia
(Directly opposite the Freedom Fuels Garage.)
Ph. 0402 42 1997
Appointments :- Ph. 0402 42 1997
Serving Ipswich and Bundaberg since 1994
Disclaimer : All of the information contained within this web site is to be considered the opinions of Phil Smith.
I will not be held responsible for misuse or abuse by any other parties, whether they are known or unknown to me. Hypnosis can be misused and abused, so USER BEWARE !